
BFB Committee working for better networking

Georgie Richins
Georgie RichinsSupport & Development
Georgie works with Tracey to support the business and group development, ensuring that we maintain our reputation for the friendliest and high results driven networking group.

Call Georgie on 07501 751 594

Richard Barry
Richard BarryGroup Branding & Marketing
Richard actively manages the branding, marketing materials and social media for the group as well as engagement strategy.

Call Richard on 07791 621 728

Philip Levy
Philip LevyWebsite Dev & Membership Set up
Philip maintains the group’s website and accounts. New members work with Philip to get set up on the website and billing of subs.

Call Philip on 07837 026 055

Anne Leatherland
Anne LeatherlandHost and newsletter content writer
Anne regularly hosts the weekly meetings and helps create content for our newsletter

Call Anne on 01283 568785

The committee work hard to deliver friendly networking that adds real value.

The committee are committed to keeping Business Focus a great place for businesses of high repute to meet and support each other in their business development. We want networking to be friendly, enjoyable and above all deliver real benefits to it’s members.

We also want to keep the group welcoming to visitors so we can get to know other great businesses in the area and give visitors access to the best of the local talent!

Please call any member of the team to find out more. We would love to hear from you!

Find out about signing up today,
and join one of the best local networking groups in your area.

Leads per Month
Business Insights per Year
Burton on Trent



Rehab Jigsaw

Rehab Jigsaw work directly with businesses to support employees to manage health conditions in the workplace. We help businesses to retain staff with valuable skills and experience through our occupational therapy and coaching approaches to work and health. We focus on ability and practical solutions when health impacts work performance.



As a business owner with Forever Living Products I am passionate about sharing the benefits of our amazing, natural products with people. Forever are the world's largest grower and producer of Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera products and I have many customers who benefit from this amazing plant.


greenshoot HR

greenshoot HR specifically works with business owners and managers of micro businesses to implement the best HR solution for their business. Whatever relates to the people in your business: strategy, developing effective communication systems for teams and individuals; when something has gone awry; clarify legal position – greenshoot HR can help.


Independent Card Payments Advisor

I'm on a mission to inspire our customers to make the world a better place with fast and secure payment solutions which help them grow their business while giving something back. With a keen focus on Corporate Social Responsibility, we’re passionate about working with like-minded customers and partners who want to offer a glimmer of hope to the most vulnerable in society.


Corten Editorial

Need a fresh pair of eyes to check what you’ve written? Whether it’s your business website, marketing materials, first novel or even your PhD thesis, Corten Editorial can help by checking your spelling, grammar and punctuation (we don’t want any unfortunate typos!); checking the consistency of your writing and formatting; and generally giving what you’ve written a good polish and tidy up. Written first impressions do count!



Forty49, is a full service, B2B marketing agency based in Burton on Trent. We create integrated campaigns that combine some or all of our services, in the right amounts, at the right time to get your product or service in front of the right people. We are passionate about creating work we can be proud of, focusing on brand, guided by strategy and led by design.